Do I Not Destroy My Enemies When I Make Them My Friends? Abraham Lincoln
I figured it out! Seriously, I did. Will you give me the time to explain?
The powers to be use hate to divide us. It's man vs women, it's rich vs. poor, it's black vs. white, young vs old. It's ALL built on HATE! Think about it. Please, I beg you, THINK ABOUT IT! It's all part of their game plan to destroy us. Go through it in your head.
Does Obama want you to love each other? How about Soros? Does Clinton? Pelosi? Alinsky? It's all based on division. In other words HATE. These people sold their souls to the devil in exchange for power and money. They want you to hate, but you cannot beat the devil with hate, you can only beat him with love.
So the question is, how do you beat the powers to be? Do you think they ever planned on you LOVING your enemy? NO FREAKING WAY! They know most people will hate their enemies. After all, we're only human right?
But look at what every religion tells us about loving our enemies. Look what a our view of a "normal" society should be like. Think about what a family is like. It's all based on LOVE. What happens to a family when you begin to pit one child against the other? The same thing that happens to a society when you divide.
Think about what's going on this way...
There's a driver in front of you, it's night, it's raining, and he's going super, super slow. You're cursing him out, just waiting for the moment when you can pass him. As you come up next to him at a red light, you realize the driver is just a 16 year old kid, no older than YOUR kid. How would you feel if someone felt such animosity toward your young kid while he was driving in the rain? But you didn't hate THE hated the "car" that was driving slow.
It's the same with this Black Lives Matter group. You hate the movement. You hate the crowd. But do you really hate the individual that is there demonstrating? Do you really KNOW the individual?
I was sitting in my car today, in a major cat''s and dog's downpour. The roads were turning into streams. And a black mother and young girl no more than 5 years old walks by soaked. Did I think "dumb black people, they don't even have an umbrella"? NO! I rolled down my window and handed them MY umbrella. The mom couldn't believe it. The little girl was thrilled to have an umbrella. And I felt great. How do you think this black woman would feel if a white person did something nice for her or her child every once in a while? Do you think she would hate us? Do you think she might start doubting Obama's message of division?
We need to start loving the people that the powers to be are telling us to hate. I'm telling you, this is going to be the only way we can beat them at their game. Don't confuse "love" with being "soft", giving up or getting defeated. Using "love" changes the rules of the game. It knocks their strategy off. Their strategy is built ONLY on hate and division. They have no strategy if the enemy (us) counter (or attacks them) with love.
It doesn't mean you have to agree with them. It doesn't mean you have to accept any of it. It just means you have to off-set their plan. Throw their game off balance. There's only one way to do it. LOVE.
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