Thursday, September 12, 2013

Exactly What Are They Afraid Of?

Do you want to see how truly afraid liberals are of us? Take a look at this! Traffic cams in DC changed to "fake loops" some even showing SNOW ON THE GROUND yesterday during the bike rally

Virginia radio personality Bill Carroll had been scoping out the DC area traffic cams. Despite the fact that 1.5 million motorcyclists were in DC on 9/11/13, NONE are visible on traffic cam and some of the cams are showing video with SNOW on the ground! Someone is looping old footage for some reason!

Here is a screenshot and Bill's original post:

"Ok something is a bit fishy.. I went to Trafficland and low and behold there's NOT a motorcycle in sight. Yet, current media estimates that all of their sightings are at 1.5 million bikers right now.... I went to 495 cams, 395 cams, I66, 14th St. Bridge practically EMPTY??? Yeah right Pennsylvania Ave, Constitution Ave, Front of the White House, EVERYWHERE... So why is the govt or VDOT looping a comfy Sunday afternoon in some pictures with NO TRAFFIC AT ALL and there's actual snow on the ground in other pictures..."

Coincidentally, I recall the cameras being down during the Tea Party Rally on September 12, 2009.  A quick Google search confirmed my suspicions. 

 “It appears that the Capitol surveillance cameras, which would have given further proof of the huge numbers of Americans in attendance at the D.C. Tea Party, were turned off”..

The question is, what are they afraid of?  Why won’t they show how many have turned out?  Well, I think that answer on the surface is pretty obvious.  But it’s deeper than that, this regime has worked overtime to divide this country.  Not just because they want to fundamentally change America, but because we are easier to control if we remain divided into small groups.  To show large groups converging on DC is dangerous to their very existence. 

Politicians know in social psychology, that people feel a need to belong.  The need to belong is an intrinsic motivation to affiliate with others and be socially accepted.  Put simply, if other’s see what is going on in DC, politicians fear that they too will be motivated longing for the feeling of belonging, of patriotism and of country

Remember...Never trust or believe what you are shown (since we all know the people controlling our government are working towards a far more sinister goal than we are being told), but rather, trust what your God given instincts will lead you to believe is the TRUTH.!

9/11/2001-A day we'll never forget. A day that still brings up raw emotions and raw nerves. This 12th anniversary of 9/11 was a mixed bag. We now have a 2nd sad anniversary to remember. The Benghazi victims. 

But this day made me proud as well. Proud to be a PATRIOTIC American.....otherwise known as a "homegrown terrorist".

I reflected a lot today on how much things have changed since 9/11/2001. Of course there's the obvious...we were so united immediately after that day. And I'm forced to ask "what happened to us"?

As the years go by, 12 now to be exact, my understanding of that day has changed, or as liberals are fond of saying..."I've evolved". I'm forced to look back through a different lens. A lens where we no longer trust our government. A lens where everything is upside down.

They say that "hindsight is 20/20" and I believe that's true. I am only now able to start connecting the dots. And, it's with sorrow that I've evolved into someone that no longer believes our government was innocent.

What drives me to this conclusion? Let me ask you...who was in the White House before Bush took the office? (Remember, this happened early in Bush's term.) The answer is "The Clintons". Let's get back to Benghazi for a minute, who blamed AMERICANS for the slaughter of our men in Benghazi? The answer is "Clinton". Who asked "What difference does it make"? Do you suppose they asked the same question on 9/11/2001?

The fact is that our government has been hijacked. It was hijacked long before Bush came into office. Do I believe Al Qaeda was bet your bottom dollar. The same Al Qaeda that OUR GOVERNMENT is supporting today. The same Al Qaeda that we are supplying guns, planes and tanks to.

Do you ever wonder why you never heard of "Al Qaeda" or "Bin Laden" before 9/11? If they were such a threat, how could we have been so misinformed? Where did they come from? Why were they suddenly here?

I don't look at YouTube "truther video's", that bores me. I don't listen to Ron Paul, he's a fruit cake. I listen to my gut, I look at the evidence, and I form my beliefs based on that. The evidence is, our government is being run by Muslims. The Muslim Brotherhood to be exact. If you don't know how many Muslim Brotherhood members are currently in Obama's cabinet shame on you!

You are not an "America hater" if you believe the government was responsible. You can't be. This government is not OUR GOVERNMENT. (Notice I NEVER EVER refer to the current regime as "our government".)

Obama had the gall to schedule a speech last night, the night before the worst attack on American soil, to announce we would be aiding the very enemies that perpetuated this attack. Isn't that kind of like giving a permit to Muslims to march on DC on 9/11?

When I was a child, my parents were separated. I would take a bus on weekends to NYC to visit my father. We visited the WTC often and always went all the way to the top. Us kids would joke about throwing a penny over the side and how it could kill someone from all the way up there. My father died prior to 9/11, he was a Vietnam Vet and died of exposure to Agent Orange. On 9/11 I FELT HIM roll over in his grave.

I called my daughter at school when the towers fell and heard the screams of children who's parents worked in those buildings. I have a family member who worked at the WTC and managed to escape, NEVER to set foot in New York again. As a matter of fact, he lives on the west coast now.

I want answers for these people. I don't hate America. I love it. I hate what has been done to us. Our freedoms taken away in the name of "security", while muslims are handled with kid gloves, given passes at every stage, meanwhile WE'RE the terrorists. There's something wrong with this....I can see that now, 12 years later....hindsight IS 20/20. Good night and God bless.
