Monday, January 30, 2017

Fake News and The Travel Ban

Okay folks, I kept my mouth shut for a few days, and with good reason. I pride myself in posting REAL NEWS. Period! But now I'm ready so here goes.
First of all, it's important for you to understand why Trump chose to suspend (not ban) 7 countries. I mean after all the media continues to act dumbfounded. Over and over again they can be heard saying "but not one terrorist came from these 7 countries!" Why not Saudi Arabia? Why these 7 out of the 50 Muslim majority countries. Here is where the media is lying to you. The reason he suspended travel from these particular countries is because these countries have unstable governments. The governments are so unstable that it is impossible to properly vet the people from these countries. Records have been destroyed, Government offices have been demolished, and records are gone. If we are unable to vet these people, how can we let them into our country?
Now the protesters, backed by Soros and Obama spread the message that it is "unfair" to target these people based on their "religion". Yet no religion was mentioned in the Executive Order Trump signed on Friday. But who reads Executive Orders? Certainly not the protesters. Heck, most don't even bother voting. And I guarantee you, probably ZERO have ever gone to another country to serve in the military or volunteer to help these "poor" refugees. What's not fair is what terrorism has done to American citizens who have had to change their way of life because of threats from this so called "religion of peace". The abuse, denigration and molestation that young and old, women, children and men have had to endure just to board a plane! That's UNFAIR!
And while we're on the subject of women and men, the big progressive media lie! 'Most of these refugees are women and children"...yeah, like I didn't see the video of the Muslim children practicing cutting heads off. And we're supposed to swallow that lie?
Now let me tell you about Trump's win. A win that hasn't been mentioned on by the lying media. Are you ready for this? On Sunday, Saudi Arabian King Salman and Abu Dhabi Crown Prince Sheikh Muhammad in separate phone calls with Trump agreed to support safe zones in Syria and Yemen to help refugees “displaced by the ongoing conflicts,” the White House said in a press release.
This is something Trump campaigned on, stopping the influx of refugees AND having Arab countries set up safe zones OVER THERE!
Well folks, the lying media will never let you know that Trump has just scored another WIN...but apparently, the people are on his side, despite what the media is showing you on TV.  A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 57% of Likely U.S. Voters favor a temporary ban on refugees from Syria, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen until the federal government approves its ability to screen out potential terrorists from coming here. Thirty-three percent (33%) are opposed, while 10% are undecided.  
See more here:
