A Muslim screams "Allah Ackbar" and murders innocent citizens and it's considered "work place violence".
The government assassinates a protester and calls him a "terrorist". No charges, no trial, no nothing. The government considers itself judge, jury and executioner without any regard for the Constitution.
Is it possible that these Feds do not believe in the Constitution? Is it credible to believe that these executioners are not from the USA, but are hired mercenaries? Listen to this and you decide. This phone call is made by a Certified Constitutional Judge asking for help from the National Guard.
Needless to say, his pleas went unanswered.
And as further proof that foreign fighters are being brought into Oregon by the Federal Government read this notarized letter to the Provost Marshall in Oregon. What is a "Provost Marshall"? Here is the official definition according to the Army (http://www.army.mil/opmg) :
"The Provost Marshal General (PMG) is the principal Army Staff (ARSTAF) officer for the development and execution of the Army Policing Functions and the principal military advisor to the Secretary of the Army and Chief of Staff of the Army on policing matters."
So I wonder, who has set up blockades in areas around Burns, Oregon? Road blocks that are STILL in place today February 9, 2016? And who approved this action?
Motorists are being pulled over and interrogated. And even worse! Eyewitness accounts state that Biometric technology is being used on innocent US Citizens!
Here's one woman's account of her experience:
"I have been debating whether or not to post this....preferring to stay away from social media during these times, but what happened to my husband and his mother was absolutely out of line!
They had to go to the ranch to feed the cattle and were completely harassed by the Federal agents that are watching the refuge. "Harassed" is a term not really befitting what they did.
Forced out of the rig at gun point. Handcuffed at gun point. Forced my husband to his knees with a gun pointed directly at his face. Guns pointed at my mother in laws face. Full body searches. Completely searched the vehicle and all its contents. Even drove the vehicle. At one point an agent threatened to bash my husband in the balls while he was on his knees with a gun in his face!
This is a prime example of excessive force by people who have been given authority roles and take their power too far.
My husband may be a big man, but he was in no way a threat to them or anyone else. He just needed to get to the ranch to feed the cows!"
And a post on Facebook from another driver in Burns, OR:
HARNEY COUNTY POLICE STATE. Please share this information as far and fast as you can. Please call the Harney county sheriff. Call your Senators, Congressman and even your neighbors please! People living in the Diamond/French Glenn area that are headed to Burns to work-shop-do business there, it doesn't matter are being subject to being stopped at a road block. Being removed from there vehicles then having that vehicle searched also being body searched. told to walk down the road with their hands in the air!!! while a government official drives their vehicle behind them.
One person endured this and the government person driving their vehicle ran over a spike strip ruining two of his tires. Les Schwabs had to come out and replace his tires. Ranchers and locals can't perform there jobs because many don't want to go through this and they don't want their CHILDREN to have to endure this.
I called the Harney county sheriff office and asked why this is going on ?? The response was for public safety ! WHAT??? Listen folks this is a police state, I need to go to that area to work. I have done nothing wrong and I will not subject myself to this fascist/ totalitarian type of my "safety". I will not comply!! Period!!
So I ask you...Is this Martial Law?
Well, let's see how "Martial Law" is defined:
The exercise of government and control by military authorities over the civilian population of a designated territory. Certain civil liberties may be suspended, such as the right to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures, freedom of association and freedom of movement.
I'll ask again...IS THIS MARTIAL LAW?
On a "State Level" a governor may declare martial law within his or her own state. The power to do so is usually granted in the state constitution.
Governor Kate Brown...have you declared Martial Law?
If the answer is "NO", then every stop, every search, every seizure is UNCONSTITUTIONAL and charges must be brought against Sheriff Ward, Judge Hasty and Kate Brown, as well as any local state, federal and OUTSIDE law enforcement agency involved in this over reach.
There are too many things that aren't making sense. More Feds and equipment there than before, with only 4 guys holed up? Take over of a school over 30 miles from the refuge...for WHAT? Black Hawk Helicopters? The media blackout Why? Something bigger is going down....and it's time for people to wake up!