Sunday, December 26, 2010

Happy New Year!

With the upcoming New Year I would like to thank the following people for their contributions:

Barack Obama: Thank you for bringing Conservatives together like never before...YOU have lit a bon-fire under our asses

Nancy Pelosi: Thank you for showing me what spending too much of other people's money and acting like a biotch does to a person....I resolve never to become like you.

Michelle Obama: Thank you for your healthy eating tips....and for your fat ass....Every time I see a picture of you, I run from brownies and cookies.

Joe Biden: Thank you for being an demonstrates to kids everywhere that a brain is a terrible thing to waste

Charlie Rangel: Thank you for not dealing with us "regular citizens".....Nuff said!

John McCain: Thank you for bringing Sarah Palin's name to the forefront....She's gonna eat you good ole boys for dinner, with mashed potatoes and gravy!

To Liberals Everywhere....Us Conservatives are looking forward to a GREAT NEW YEAR!!! THANK YOU!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Liar Liar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

“We need earmark reform,” Obama said in September during a presidential debate in Oxford, Miss. “And when I’m president, I will go line by line to make sure that we are not spending money unwisely.

Dem Omnibus Bill Now $575 Million Per Page!

* $200,000 for “Tattoo Removal Violence Prevention Outreach Program,” pg. 283;
*Maine lobster earmark in the omnibus, pg. 173;
*$5.8 million earmark for the “Ted Kennedy Institute for the Senate…for the planning and design of a building & an endowment,” pg. 232;
*National Council of La Raza, $473,000 earmark from Sens. Bingaman and Menendez, pg. 212.
* The City of North Pole, Alaska (motto: “Where the Spirit of Christmas Lives Year Round”) gets $1 million to improve its wastewater treatment system. That’s $571.43 dollar per citizen.
* $1.75 million to acquire land for the Cape Cod National Seashore.
* $2.2 million for the Center for Grape Genetics in Geneva, NY
* $2.4 million for the Southeastern Poultry Research Lab in Athens, GA
* $42,000 for “Arbuscular Mycontizal Fungi” in Wyndmoor, PA
* $1 million for Corn and Soybean Research in Wooster, OH
* $1.8 million for the Honey Bee Lab in Weslaco, TX
* $1.8 million for Swine Odor and Manure Management Research in Ames, Iowa
* $443,000 for Beaver Management and Control in Mississippi
* $208,000 for Beaver Management and Control in North Carolina
* Several hundred thousand for “Blackbird Management” programs in KS, LA, ND and SD.
* $657,000 for Brown Tree Snake Management in Guam
* $1,049,000 for “Mormon Crickets” in Utah (I am told they are neither Mormon nor are they crickets)
* $162,000 for Rodent Control in Hawaii
* $209,000 to “Improve Blueberry Production and Efficiency” in Georgia
* $254,00 for the “Montana Sheep Institute”
* $413,000 for Tri-State Joint Peanut Research in Alabama
* $2.9 million for Shrimp Aquaculture in AZ, HI, LA, MA, MS, SC and TX
* $277 million for 2nd Avenue Subway
* $210 million for LIRR terminal in Grand Central

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Christmas is the time when the regime sneaks legislation past it's busy citizens. IT'S VERY IMPORTANT TO STAY ON TOP OF THEM RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!

Here's an update as to what they are working on!!! PLEASE TAKE ACTION, IT'S NOT ENOUGH TO JUST BITCH ABOUT OUR GOVERNMENT!!!!

As many of you know, the goal of the Dream Act is to provide a back door path to citizenship for illegal immigrants by granting amnesty to as many as two million young aliens (up to age 30)--provided they stay in school or enroll in American institutions of higher learning at a considerable cost to US taxpayers.

By singling out the plight of young aliens, the left is obviously playing on the heart strings of
good-willed Americans during this holiday season.

What the left doesn't mention is this: Once the "young [illegal] immigrants" gain citizenship, they would then be able to sponsor their parents and other relatives--many of whom are also illegal immigrants--thereby providing amnesty to millions more.

When and where will all the nonsense end? How about here and now!

Please call your US Senators and tell them to end the nightmare called "the Dream Act" by voting no on cloture.

In the US House, the Senate version of the so-called "Food Safety" Bill is expected to be voted on today. The Bill will grant extensive new regulatory authority to the Food and Drug Adminsitration. No doubt, we will be paying dearly for its implementation.

Even though the Bill is expected to pass the Democratic controlled House, please call you Congressman/woman to voice your objection.

If you dial the Capitol Switchboard at 202.224.3121 or 202.225.3121, you can easily
be connected to your US Senators (DE: Carper, Coons; NJ: Menendez, Lautenberg;
PA: Casey, Specter.) or local Representative. (For good measure, add Mitch
McConnell, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, and John Boehner to your call list. As
Congressional leaders, they also represent you.)

In other matters, we are reviewing the recent tax compromise reached by President Obama and Republican leaders. It is certainly a mixed bag. Obviously, the Bush Tax Cuts must be extended--but at the cost of imposing a new Death Tax (granted, its less than the Democrats originally proposed) and extending unemployment for 13 months?

Also, the Start Treaty, a certain disaster, could soon be headed for a cloture vote in the Senate. Since the Treaty limits our nation's ability to shield itself and its allies through missile defense, we think it should be roundly defeated. Please advise your Senators accordingly.
