Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The Indoctrination of Your Children Has Begun!

The following video is approx 4 minutes. In the first 3:30 it shows kids being propagandized by Barack Hussein Obamas supporters. The last 30 seconds shows the 'hitler youth' being propagandized ...

This video being shown in schools, put out by the Tides Foundation. George Soros and the Obama Administration, are getting their way in indoctrinating our kids!

Does the below video make you think of school children praising Hitler, Saddam Hussein or Chavez?

Please DO NOT make the mistake of thinking this is not happening in your child's school!

Now couple this with the fact that the Senate is considering ratification of an international treaty that will undermine the parental role.


If ratified, the UN-CRC would radically alter the flow of power in the United States, taking away the authority of parents to decide matters pertaining to the lives of their children, and giving that power away to the United Nations. An 18-member international panel would decide what is best for American children and, hence, for America's future.

Ten things you need to know about the substance of the CRC:

Children would have the ability to choose their own religion while parents would only have the authority to give their children advice about religion.

The best interest of the child principle would give the government the ability to override every decision made by every parent if a government worker disagreed with the parent’s decision.

A child’s “right to be heard” would allow him (or her) to seek governmental review of every parental decision with which the child disagreed.

According to existing interpretation, it would be illegal for a nation to spend more on national defense than it does on children’s welfare.

Children would acquire a legally enforceable right to leisure.

Christian schools that refuse to teach "alternative worldviews" and teach that Christianity is the only true religion "fly in the face of article 29" of the treaty.

Allowing parents to opt their children out of sex education has been held to be out of compliance with the CRC.

Children would have the right to reproductive health information and services, including abortions, without parental knowledge or consent.

Parents would no longer be able to administer reasonable spankings to their children.

A murderer aged 17 years and 11 months and 29 days at the time of his crime could no longer be sentenced to life in prison.

What can you do?

Get Involved!
Join the fight at:

Time for a Laugh Break!

You guys need a good laugh to keep from going nuts with this healthcare stuff. I just got this email:

Working people frequently ask retired people what they do to make their days interesting.

Well, for example, the other day my wife and I went into town and went into a shop. We were only in there for about 5 minutes. When we came out, there was a cop writing out a parking ticket. We went up to him and said, 'Come on man, how about giving a senior citizen a break?'

He ignored us and continued writing the ticket. I called him a Nazi turd. He glared at me and started writing another ticket for having worn tires. So my wife called him a sh*t-head. He finished the second ticket and put it on the windshield with the first. Then he started writing a third ticket. This went on for about 20 minutes. The more we abused him, the more tickets he wrote.

Personally, we didn't care. We came into town by bus and the car had an Obama sticker. We try to have a little fun each day now that we're retired. It's important at our age.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Latest-And Worst ACORN Tape

This ACORN tape has all of the same nefarious activities as the other tapes, with the exception of one: The ACORN Representatives offers to help smuggle the underage sex slaves over the border from Tijuana!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The Infamous "Flag at Half Staff"

As posted on Michelle Malkin's Website:

Just learned that the nutroots are claiming that the screenshot of the 9/12 march in D.C. that I posted — taken from a livecam of the event that I linked to here — is somehow “fake.”

The claim is that the shot came from the Kennedy procession or a previous left-wing protest and that the flag at half-mast proves that it was “fake.”
Newsflash for the clueless: Flags were still at half-mast earlier today in honor of the murder victims of the 9/11 jihadi attacks.

Here is a picture I took at the Rally, and if you scroll down, you will see video I took. The video was taken very early in the morning as the buses started to arrive. The video's not great, but toward the end of the video you will see a man with a yellow "Don't Tread on Me" (Gadsden) flag and then a building with two flags at half staff. If you still think this is fake, you're just a a left wing conspiracy theorist, and you have larger issues to deal with then whether a flag is at half staff or not.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

A Historic Event That I Will Never Forget!

Words Cannot Describe What The 1.5 MILLION Patriots Experienced at the Washington, DC Freedom Rally on September 12, 2009.

I Hope This Video Brings Some of the Emotions That I Experienced To You!

(Please turn your sound up.)

Friday, September 11, 2009

Pimp Daddy Prez, ACORN and the Census Bureau

I'm heading off to to Washington, DC tomorrow morning.

Before I go I want to share some thoughts with you.

I wonder why ABC and NBC finally picked up the Acorn Prostitution Story...

Could it have been, because a single man, Glenn Beck had put his life on the line exposing this story? NO!

Could it have been because they had finally decided to do the right thing, because young children were involved in this sting? NO!

Or could it been because of this letter (which by the way was obtained by FOX News, gee, I wonder why?).

September 11, 2009

Ms. Maude Hurd



739 8th St SE

Washington, DC 20003

Dear Ms. Hurd:

The goal of the U.S. Census Bureau's partnership program is to combine the strengths of state, local, and tribal governments, community-based organizations, faith-based organizations, schools, media, businesses and others to ensure an accurate 2010 Census. While not (sic) Census bureau employees, partners are advocates for census cooperation and participation. They serve a trusted voices within their communities and are critical to our strategy to count everyone once, only once, and in the right place.

The Census Bureau has established criteria for partnerships, which are listed on our Web site at < >, and reserves the right to decline partnership or to terminate an existing partnership agreement with any group that 1) may create a negative connotation for the Census Bureau; 2) could distract from the Census Bureau's mission; or, 3) may make people fearful of participating in the census.

To that end, and in keeping with the standards we shared with your organization and others who volunteered to partner with the Census Bureau to help promote the 2010 Census, we are today terminating our Partnership Agreement with ACORN.

Over the last several months, through ongoing communication with our regional offices, it is clear that ACORN's affiliation with the 2010 Census promotion has caused sufficient concern in the general public, has indeed become a distraction from our mission, and may even become a discouragement to public cooperation, negatively impacting 2010 Census efforts.

While not decisive factors in this decision, recent events concerning several local offices of ACORN have added to the worsening negative perceptions of ACORN and its affiliation with our partnership efforts.

We do not come to this decision lightly. It was our original assessment that your organization could be helpful in encouraging cooperation with the 2010 Census among individuals who are historically hard to count, including renters, low-income residents, the linguistically isolated, and others. As of today, we have close to 80,000 partnership agreements with national and local groups - many of whom are trusted voices and serve these same populations - and we will be relying upon those groups to continue our outreach in the communities you serve. The full participation of those populations remains of utmost importance to us.

Unfortunately, we no longer have confidence that our national partnership agreement is being effectively managed through your many local offices. For the reasons stated, we therefore have decided to terminate the partnership.


Robert M. Groves


Funny, I was wondering what it would take for the Main Stream Media to FINALLY report on this story. It's amazing that a story about forced child prositution didn't do it. It tells you what we are dealing with when it comes to the Media.

I suspect and hope that at this point, anyone that uses ACORN will be considered an entity that condones forced child prostitution, tax evasiion, voter registration fraud, and so on...right? Hello....right? HMmmmm......I guess time will tell.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Does "PC" Mean Leftwing "Political Censorship"?

Don Imus and Ms. California have felt the wrath of left wing political correctness. It seems to be a constant condition that the Right is always held to a certain standard, yet that standard is not expected from the left.

From racism to sexism, it seems that the left gets a free pass. Consider the following.

  • Van Jones: “white polluters” and “white environmentalists” “steering poison into the people of color communities”
  • Donny Deutsch from CNBC: (says about Sarah Palin) "I want her laying next to me in bed".
  • Obama: Automatically assumed the white police officer "acted stupidly." BO assumed it was the white officer's fault, because, of course, we all know white cops are racist, right?
  • David Letterman: “One awkward moment for Sara Palin at the Yankee game. During the seventh inning, her daughter was knocked up by Alex Rodriguez”
  • Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr: "Blacks should not sing "God Bless America" but "God damn America."
  • Obama: Refuses to wear a flag lapel pin because he thinks it is more patriotic to criticize his country than to support it, or even to wear a symbol of its support.
  • Obama: After comparing his bowling to the Special Olympics on "The Tonight Show" Thursday, President Obama called Special Olympics Chairman Tim Shriver to apologize before the program even aired.
I wonder, what would the consequences have been if a Conservative had said any of the above?

Yet when Conservatives try to fight this "in your face" anti-white sentiment, we are automatically called "racists" by the left. This demonstrates a carefully crafted powerful plan to censor the right.

However, political correctness has a basic flaw. If all views are equal, why do some who embrace this view feel the need to push this agenda as the "correct" one at the same time demonizing other views as "incorrect"?

Although the list below is rather entertaining, notice how ridiculous this is, yet we have let ourselves become slaves to left-wing political correctness censorship:
We MUST move past this. We can't stay quiet anymore. We need to start calling it as we see it.
  • A Criminal - unsavory character
  • A Crook - morally (ethically) challenged
  • Abortion - Near-Life Experience
  • Alcoholic - Anti-Sobriety Activist
  • Alive - temporarily metabolically abled.
  • An Immigrant - a newcomer
  • Assassination - involuntary term limitation
  • Bald - comb-free
  • Bald - folically independent
  • Bald - follicularly challenged.
  • Battle Fatigued - shellshocked
  • Blind - optically darker
  • Blind - photonically non-receptive
  • Blind - visually challenged
  • Body Odor - nondiscretionary fragrance.
  • Broken Down Automobile - mechanically challenged
  • Broken Home - Dysfunctional Family
  • Bum - Displaced Homeowner
  • Bum - Homeless Person
  • Bum - Involuntarily Domiciled
  • Cannibalism - Intra-Species Dining
  • Censorship - Selective Speech
  • Cheating - Academic Dishonesty
  • China - Porcelain
  • Chronically Late - Temporarily Challenged
  • Clumsy - uniquely coordinated
  • Commercial Fisherman - Flipper Whipper
  • Computer Illiterate - Technologically Challenged
  • Corpse - Permanently Static Post-Human Mass
  • Corpse / Stiff - Metabolically Challenged
  • Corpse / Stiff - Terminally Inconvenienced
  • Cowardly - Challenge Challenged
  • Cowboys - bovine control officers
  • Crime Rate - street activity index
  • Dead - Actuarially Mature
  • Dead - biologically challenged
  • Dead - environmentally correct human
  • Dead - living impaired
  • Dead - metabolically challenged
  • Dead - persons living with entropy
  • Deaf - Visually Oriented
  • Delicatessen - Corpse Farm
  • Dirty Old Man - sexually focused chronologically gifted individual
  • Dish Washer - utensil sanitizer
  • Dishonest - Ethically disoriented.
  • Dorm - Residence Hall
  • Drooling Drunk Idiot - person on floor
  • Drowning - aquatically challenged
  • Drug Addict - Chemically Challenged
  • Drunk - spacially perplexed
  • Drunk / Junkie - in recovery
  • Earthquake - geological correction
  • Fail - achieve a deficiency.
  • Fat - Differently Weighted
  • Fat - gravitationally challenged
  • Fat - horizontally challenged.
  • Fat - horizontally gifted
  • Fat - People of Mass
  • Fat - person of substance
  • Fictional / Mythological - ontologically challenged
  • Freshman - first-year student
  • Frog - amphibian American
  • Full of Crap - fecally plenary
  • Gang - Youth Group
  • Garbage Man - sanitation engineer
  • Gas Station Attendent - petroleum transfer technician
  • Geek, Nerd, whatever... - socially challenged
  • Ghetto / Barrio - Ethnically Homogenous Area
  • Hamburger - Seared Mutilated Animal Flesh
  • Handicapped - Differently Abled, Handi-Capable
  • Having PMS - cyclically challenged
  • Hearing Person - temporarily aurally abled
  • Homeless - outdoor urban dwellers
  • Homeless - residentially flexible
  • Homelessness - Mortgage-Free Living
  • Housebroken - Family Disfunction
  • Housewife - domestic engineer
  • Hunter - Animal Assassin
  • Hunter - Bambi Butcher
  • Hunter - Meat Mercenary
  • Ignorant - factually unencumbered
  • Ignorant - knowledge-based nonpossessor.
  • Incompetent - Differently Qualified
  • Incompetent - Specially Skilled
  • Incompetent - Uniquely Proficient
  • Insane People - Mental Explorers
  • Insane People - Selectively Perceptive
  • Insult - Emotional Rape
  • Janitor - sanitation engineer
  • Klutz - kinesthetically challenged
  • Large Nose - nasally gifted
  • Lazy - motivationally dispossessed
  • Lazy - motivationally deficient.
  • Learning Disability - Self-Paced Cognitive Ability
  • Library - Educational Resource Center
  • Logger - Wood Weasel
  • Logger - Paper Pirate
  • Logger -Treeslayer
  • Loser - Second Place
  • Loser - uniquely fortuned individual on an alternative career path
  • Man-hole - maintenance hole
  • Mankind - humankind
  • MANkind, HuMAN, PerSON - Earth Children
  • Mercy Killing - Euthanasia
  • Mercy Killing - Putting Down/To Sleep/Out of Misery
  • Messy - differently organized
  • Meter Maid - Parking enforcer
  • Midget / Dwarf - Little People
  • Midget / Dwarf - Vertically Challenged
  • Mute/Dumb - verbally challenged
  • Not with somebody at the moment - romantically challenged -
  • Off - energy-efficient
  • Old - chronologically gifted
  • Old Person / Elderly - Gerontologically Advanced
  • Old Person / Elderly - Senior Citizens
  • Panhandler - Unaffiliated applicant for private-sector funding.
  • Paper Bag - processed tree carcass
  • Perverted - Sexually dysfunctional.
  • Pimp-mobile / Low-rider - Culturally Responsive Transportation Option
  • Plagiarism - Previously Owned Prose
  • Po' - financially inept
  • Policeman, Policewoman - law inforcement officer
  • Poor - economically marginalized
  • Poor - Economically Unprepared
  • Poor - monetarily challenged
  • Postman - letter carrier
  • Pregnant - parasitically oppressed.
  • Prisoner - client of the correctional system
  • Prostitute - sex care provider
  • Psychobabble - constructivist feminist psychotherapy
  • Psychopath - socially misaligned
  • Racist - genetically discriminating
  • Really Big Nosed - nasally disadvantaged
  • Redneck - person of region
  • Redneck - rustically inclined
  • Refugees - asylum seekers
  • Road Kill - Vehicularly Compressed Maladapted Life Form
  • Rudeness - Tact Avoidance
  • Runny Nose - nasally gifted
  • Senile Bag o' Bones - Alzheimer's Victim
  • Serial-Killer - Person with difficult-to-meet needs.
  • Shoplifter - Cost-of-Living Adjustment Specialist
  • Short - vertically challenged
  • Sighted Person - temporarily visually abled
  • Slum - Economic Oppression Zone
  • Slut - suffering from a sex addiction (female)
  • Someone who has no other reason to park in a handicapped zone - morally handicapped
  • Spendthrift - negative saver.
  • Stained - creatively re-dyed
  • Steward, Stewardess - flight attendant
  • Stoned - Chemically inconvenienced.
  • Stud - suffering from a sex addiction (male)
  • Stupid - differently-brained
  • Stupid - intellectually impaired
  • The Elderly - Senior citizens
  • Thin - horizontally challenged
  • Thirsty - osmotically challenged
  • Tone Deaf - musically delayed
  • Too old/young - other aged
  • Too Tall - people of height
  • Tree-Hugger - environmental activist
  • Trees - Oxygen Exchange Units
  • Ugly - aesthetically challenged
  • Ugly - Cosmetically different.
  • Ugly - facially challenged
  • Unemployed - Involuntarily leisured.
  • Used Books - Recycled Books
  • Vagrant - Nonspecifically destinationed individual.
  • Vegetable - noble unconscious hero
  • Vice President - Post-Coronary Leader of the Free World
  • Vocal Minority - target equity group
  • Vomiting - Unplanned Reexamination of Recent Food Choices
  • Waiter, Waitress - food server
  • War-Monger - Peacekeeper, patriot
  • Welfare Bum - economically disadvantaged
  • Whaler - Blubber Lover
  • White - melanin-impoverished
  • White American - racially challenged
  • White Boy - rhythmically challenged
  • White Trash - caucasian culturally-disadvantaged
  • Wife - unpaid sex slave
  • Worst - least best.
  • Wrong - differently logical.

Excerpts From ‘The Politically Correct Elitist Leftwing Liberal Handbook

By Scott Thong

This Leftwing Liberal Handbook is a Politically Correct guide for the mass mind to properly instruct Leftwing Liberals how to think and act in this confusing world of vast rightwing conspiracies.

  1. You have to believe that the AIDS virus is spread by a lack of federal funding.
  2. You have to believe that the same teacher who can't teach 4th graders how to read is somehow qualified to teach those same kids about sex.
  3. You have to believe that guns in the hands of law-abiding American citizens are more of a threat than U.S. nuclear weapons technology in the hands of Chinese and North Korean communists and Islamofascists such as Iranian theocrats and Taliban terrorists.
  4. You have to believe that there was no art before federal funding.
  5. You have to believe that global temperatures are less affected by cyclical, documented changes in the earth's climate, and more affected by soccer moms driving SUVs and that the unusually cold winter of 2008-2009 should be attributed to global warming.
  6. You have to believe that gender roles are artificial, but being lesbian is natural.
  7. You have to be against capital punishment for criminals, even murderers, but support abortion on demand.
  8. You have to believe that businesses create oppression, and governments create prosperity. As a true Elitist Leftwing Liberal you have to believe that no Americans ever lost their jobs or became homeless except during the Reagan and Bush Administrations; these are problems that can be solved only by lotsa money and Liberals in the federal government.
  9. You have to believe that hunters don't care about nature, but loony activists who have never been outside of San Francisco do care about nature.
  10. You have to believe that self-esteem is more important than actually doing something to earn it.
  11. You have to believe that the military, not politicians, start wars.
  12. You have to believe the NRA is bad, because it supports certain parts of the Constitution, while the ACLU is good because it supports certain parts of the Constitution.
  13. You have to believe that taxes are too low, but ATM fees are too high.
  14. You have to believe that Lillian Hellman, Margaret Sanger and Gloria Steinem are more important to American history than are Thomas Jefferson, General Robert E. Lee and Thomas Edison.
  15. You have to believe that standardized tests are racist, but racial quotas, preferential treatment and set-asides are not racist.
  16. You have to believe that Hillary Clinton is normal, and really a very nice person even though the electorate outside New York didn't think so.
  17. You have to believe that the only reason socialism and communism haven't worked anywhere it's been tried, is because the right people haven't been in charge. You must also vociferously deny the fact that "Nazi" is an abbreviation for Adolf Hitler's Nationalsozialist party, because Hitler makes socialism look bad, unlike humanitarian socialists like Josef Stalin, Mao Zedong, Fidel Castro, Ho Chi Minh, Pol Pot, Saddam Hussein, Hugo Chavez and a host of other socialists who raped, tortured, maimed and slaughtered their own people in the name of "income redistribution" [ala Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Lyndon Johnson and Barack Hussein Obama], political and economic advancement for the "plight" of the downtrodden.
  18. You have to believe conservatives telling the truth belong in jail, but a draft-dodging liar and sex offender belonged in the White House.
  19. You have to believe that homosexual parades displaying drag queens, genetalia, transvestites and bestiality as well as organizations such as NAMBLA (North American Man/Boy Love Association) and other secular groups that promote pedophilia should be constitutionally protected, but symbols such as the Cross (Crucifix) the Star of David and manger scenes at Christmas should be illegal.
  20. You have to believe that illegal Democratic Party funding by the Chinese government is somehow in the best interests of the United States.
  21. When you don't understand your opponents' dialogue and/or are unable to refute their remarks, always claim comments are "divisive" even if you don't know the meaning of that word and "divide and conquer" is the leftwing modus operandi. You have to refuse to discuss the issues in a rational manner and whenever someone attempts to do so, throw a 3 ring tantrum, rant and rave, go into a lunatic rage and outshout them (preferably with profanity and name-calling) and stick to personal slurs, smear tactics, slander and building strawmen so you can knock down the strawmen (oops, sorry, strawpersons) and hopefully sidetrack the conversation away from your lack of ability to support your positions or refute the arguments of others. When you can't think of anything plausible to say, and name-calling and personal slurs are no longer working because people with IQs above ginger snaps can see right through such childish tactics, an especially effective prepubescent ploy that will at least convince other Elitist Leftwing Liberals, is to claim your adversaries hate America, or if you're on the cowardly side, indignantly ask them why they hate America even though it's obvious that its the Elitist Leftwing Liberals who hate America and Americans. Uncles Lenin and Stalin always urged us to accuse our adversaries of the very things we're trying to hide. It is the archetypal trait of the elitist leftwing liberals to camouflage confessions as accusations.... If you repeat this enough times, Elitist Leftwing Liberals will be offering awards - they may not be candy bars, but, you will be sure to win some snickers.
  22. You must always ignore the message and attack the messenger. When stuck, remember the tactic that won't reveal to other Elitist Leftwing Liberals your unwillingness to rebut the issue under discussion or your inability to think or say anything original: smugly change a couple of your adversaries' words, parrot and repeat their comments back to them verbatim and even if it isn't true, by all means always be sure to accuse your opponents of using the very tactics the Elitist Leftwing Liberals try to hide, remembering all the while that Unca Lenin would be proud as punch.
  23. No matter how credible a source may be - always do your Elitist Leftwing Liberal duty and rabidly claim it's been debunked and discredited and call anyone who believes it "mean spirited", crazy, a Nazi or any other of the secular monikers from the Elitist Leftwing Liberal grab bag of infantile epithets and sarcastic sobriquets even if you invented your "data" out of thin air or found it on the webpage of some Elitist Leftwing Liberal lemming on the lunatic fringe. See Article #27 for the suggested politically correct buzzwords to use in your tantrums.
  24. Whenever demonstrated facts don't agree with your agenda, twist them and mangle them until you can make them fit into your secular prejudices, the elitist Leftwing-Liberal mainstream media will assist you greatly.
  25. Once you've told a lie or slandered someone, be sure to repeat it as often as possible until it becomes true. "Members and front organizations must continually embarrass, discredit and degrade our critics. When obstructionists become too irritating, label them as fascist, or Nazi or anti-Semitic .... The association will, after enough repetition, become "fact" in the public mind." [ ~ Communist Party, Moscow Central Committee, 1943] and followed faithfully by the secularist, elitist American mainstream media lemmings in accordance with the precepts established for adherents to the code of conduct for Lenin's "Useful Idiots".
  26. You have to believe that all spirituality and all religions except Islam are bad. Remember, our secular saint, Uncle Karl Marx warned us that, "Religion is the opiate of the people". [Praising perversion is the opiate of the Left.]
  27. You must use the following buzzwords as often as possible without necessarily knowing their definitions: "Nazi", "Hitler", "gestapo", "police state", "police brutality", "totalitarian state", "imperialism", "imperialist", "running dogs of [fill in the blank], "greedy corporations", "shrub", "fascist", "paranoid", "paranoia", "goosestepping", "ruling-class", "class-strife", "class warfare", "stolen election", "unconstitutional", "racist", "entitlements", "hate", "bourgeois" or better yet, "petty bourgeois", "counter-revolutionary", "progressive", "red-baiter", "witch hunt", "inquisition", "anti-Communist", "deviationist", "revisionist", "reactionary", "multiculturalism", "oppressed", "unilateral", "victims of Yankee oppression", "plight of the [fill in the blank] people", "victimhood", "mean-spirited", "McCarthyism", "jingoism", "flag-wavers", "neocons", "alternative(s)", "empowered" and, of course, overuse of the indispensable "F" word.
  28. You have to believe that there were never any weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, even though they were used against Iran, the Kurds and the Iraqi people and even though the many Democrats warned us about WMD before the Iraqi invasion: William Jefferson Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Sandy Berger, Madeline Albright, Senators Carl Levin, Tom Daschle, Robert Byrd, Jay Rockefeller, John Kerry, Bob Graham, Ted Kennedy, Representatives Nancy Pelosi and Henry Waxman and vice-president Al Gore to name only the most vociferous.
  29. You have to be a purveyor of perennial pessimism and a dispatcher of doomsday gloom and hyperbolic hysteria whenever you can work some secular scare tactics into the foreboding warnings of eventual catastrophe at the hands of your adversaries, i.e. people who disagree with you.
  30. Whenever possible, if you hear or read something that seems quite logical and might influence someone against the Elitist Leftwing Liberal viewpoint, be sure to pounce on the exception or some tiny, inconsequential irrelevancy, such as the misspelling, poor punctuation or mispronunciation of a word, unusual facial expression, article of clothing or some morsel of arcane trivia or irrelevant minutiae in an attempt to derail the conversation into petty bickering replete with name-calling and personal slurs. [Use of the "F" word is particularly effective, especially when combined with prepubescent profanity and puerile posturing.]
  31. Always have unkind and accusatory slurs cocked and ready to use regarding any armed forces personnel, especially military people in harm's way other than your own candidates, sell-outs, turncoats, traitors and those who are guilty of or advocate treason. The exception, of course, would be soldiers killed or wounded when a Republican is president - then take an indignant stance and shriek hysterically at the tragedy - don't worry other Elitist Leftwing Liberals will realize your disdain for military people who are characterized favorably when you think it will make conservatives look bad in the eyes of Elitist Leftwing Liberals, the lunatic fringe and the politically illiterate.
  32. When your adversary presents a particularly damning discovery, pervert it, twist it around, fabricate something out of thin air and accuse him of something he didn't say, falsely attribute your invention to him and then proceed to argue against your own creation with the hope nobody will notice. This is best done by beginning your remarks with "Translation:", "hence", or "in other words" or "so what you are suggesting" or "are you saying that..." followed by the most implausible, irrelevant non sequiturs you can fantasize.
  33. You have to remember that nobody but your adversaries, real or imagined are ever to blame for anything and no one should ever be accountable or held responsible for their words or actions - they're just misunderstood or some such secularist, sociological mumbo-jumbo. Blaming without offering solutions is the typical modus operandi of Elitist Leftwing Liberals.
  34. Remember our venerated motto: Victimhood is a veritable virtue! You have to be a victim of as many forms of melodrama as possible and be ever vigilant to promote victimization of almost anything and anyone although that's very difficult to reconcile with the assertion that nobody's to blame for anything they do, except, of course, the people who don't agree with you. Whenever you get confused, remember the Double Standard will always come to your rescue when it's difficult to justify victimhood to people who are rational.
  35. You must always have Double Standards, a higher standard that you demand of nations, corporations and individuals you don't like and especially people who don't agree with you - and another set of standards for yourself and your Elitist Leftwing Liberal confederates which is preferably no standards at all.
  36. You must with all your heart and soul hate America and Americans, particularlyreligious andspiritualAmericans (Muslims excluded) and bash them at every opportunity, while claiming you love America though you contend that American patriots are really traitors. And do remember to accuse people who don't agree with you of being the ones who hate America and Americans. This won't confuse people with IQs above eggplants, but remember some of our best friends are about as intellectually astute as ashtrays. While Elitist Leftwing Liberals hate red-blooded Americans, remember we have blood also and it's always "B Negative".
  37. You must always remember that you are a member of the grown up 4-H and it is incumbent on you to always display their watchwords: hallucinations, hyperbole, hysteria and hate.
  38. Remember to claim that the flag is only a piece of cloth and stands for nothing while you explain how you love America and that's why you howl and hurl hateful epithets regarding America and Americans, especially those who disagree with you.
  39. You are always to belittle and deride concepts such as optimism, patriotism, honor, honesty, faithfulness, fidelity, loyalty, courage, bravery, principles, trust, trustworthiness, reliability, responsibility, respect, common-courtesy, common decency, kindness, Good Samaritanism, sacrifice, patience, fortitude, values, integrity and character as being naive and passe. Call anyone who uses those words, "judgemental" and "intolerant".
  40. You are encouraged to lionize, venerate, yea, worship sloth, lust, self-centeredness, selfishness, instant gratification, slander, criminal behavior, drug addiction, degenerate behavior, promiscuous sex, lewd remarks and behavior, rudeness, crudeness, crassness, smutty language and vulgarity of all kinds. You must show disrespect for authority, laws, law enforcement and military while demanding respect for prostitution, drug dealing, gang-bangers, organized crime, pornography and generally everything that would aid in tearing down the social fabric of the United States of America and all she stands for. You must be especially harsh on religious beliefs unless they are Muslim.
  41. Be sure to exhibit incessant anger at America and Americans in general and rage at conservatives, centrists and anyone who doesn't agree with your ideas.
  42. You must be "politically correct" when it suits your purpose and point out that political correctness is a form of freedom rather than more mind-control, but, it's more important to demand that others be "politically correct" than actually follow those demands yourself.
  43. You must always offer praise and/or excuses for all of America's enemies, especially terrorists who aren't really murdering cowards, but, rather multiculturally misunderstood.
  44. You have to believe that just because your candidate lost an election (by all means stomp and shout "election fraud" or "stolen election") or an unacceptable law was passed there's always the possibility of going to court where an Elitist Leftwing Liberal judge is presiding so that you can get your way in spite of the wishes of the electorate and those of their congressional delegates as elections and legislation are more effectively decided by certain judges and their courts than by the voters and their legislatures. But, be sure to stress that you believe in the Constitution and remember to always claim that the candidate, election or law you don't like is unconstitutional. In fact, for argumentation purposes, it's always a good idea to claim that any law or action that doesn't please you is unconstitutional as it's an excellent buzzword and makes you sound like you might know something esoteric. After all, guys like Noam Chomsky and Alan Dershowitz made a career of such tactics.
  45. Whenever someone says something that rubs your prejudgements the wrong way, ignore the contents of the remarks and vilify, defame, malign and slander that person while claiming everything that person has ever said or will ever utter is wrong. You are encouraged to take cheap shots and engage in name-calling and ad hominem attacks, but, above all, if you're a true standard-bearer for the Elitist Leftwing Liberals, avoid discussing issues you can't debate - which are, of course, all of them.
  46. Honor multiculturalism and know its "truths": "Multiculturalism, n. The doctrine that persons of European ancestry are morally inferior to all other human beings." ~ John Derbyshire, inspired by Ambrose Bierce and his Devil's Dictionary.
  47. When confronted with something that is critical of Elitist Leftwing Liberals, read or listen to one or two lines and jump to conclusions (it's the best exercise many Elitist Leftwing Liberals get) that the beginning was awful (meaning it might ask an Elitist Leftwing Liberal to actually think or to look at Elitist Leftwing Liberals in an uncomplimentary light) - and claim you didn't bother to read the rest or listen to the remainder all the while claiming to be open-minded.
  48. You must take it as your secular sworn duty to do your utmost to prevent people from printing, voicing, writing or otherwise disseminating any communication which is either unfavorable to or not in agreement with Elitist Leftwing Liberal dogma and you must also strictly enforce Political Correctness, while at the same time doing your best to muzzle and silence those who don't agree with you. Tell adversaries to "Do as I say, and I'll do as I please!" This is not censorship, hypocrisy or Double Standards, but rather, "Freedom of Speech" an important Constitutional Amendment written to give Elitist Leftwing Liberals their God-given rights, even if they renounce and don't believe in God and even if they think rights are only for Elitist Leftwing Liberals.
  49. If you don't agree with the points of others, under no circumstances should you present a rational counter argument or discuss the issue itself when it is much more effective to call people liars and cast aspersions on their veracity. This is also effective if a person makes a mistake, don't overlook or excuse the error or admit there was a possibility of a mistake - call them liars ferociously, unless it's a petty sideline mistake that will help you construct smoke and mirrors, in that case see Article #30 above.
  50. Conservatives suggest that people should "hate the sin, love the sinner". Remember, as a secular Elitist Leftwing Liberal you must always hate the sinner [person or corporation who doesn't agree with you] and love the sin as all sins are "relative" and finding anything wrong with them is "judgemental". This may be difficult to grasp at first glance since Elitist Leftwing Liberals don't believe in "sin" [unless it's being applied via Double Standard, see Article #35, toward corporations or people who don't agree with Elitist Leftwing Liberals] except for hypocrisy which is the only sin, when applied to our opponents and is one of the most effective slurs in our arsenal. See Article #54
  51. You must never be willing to take the consequences of your own actions or words or expect your confederates to do the same as long as you can unjustly lay the blame on someone else. But, of course, it is critical that you demand that people who don't agree with your ideas be held to strict adherence of taking the consequences of their actions: See Article #35 above regarding nurturing our trademark: Double Standards.
  52. When asked to "cite" or give citations, sources or support for your propaganda, you can do one of 4 things: Use secondary sources which supposedly give "expert" Elitist Leftwing Liberal opinion on the primary sources when they're not ignoring them, taking phrases out of context, twisting their words or perverting their meaning; make an official-looking, bogus website (provided you know someone who knows how to make one and is also literate enough to write without a spell check) with the fake "facts" you've presented; refer them to a propaganda site that may or may not support your claims or the fourth and preferred solution is to give them the URL of an official or universally accepted website and claim vehemently that the so-called information you've invented, created or faked is from that website though anyone who looks won't find it there.
  53. Remember, "A liberal is someone who feels a great debt to his fellow man, which debt he proposes to pay off with your money." ~ G. Gordon Liddy
  54. You have to support and promote socialized medicine as "Socialized medicine is based on the belief that, while individual bankruptcy by medical bills is tragic and wicked, bankrupting the entire country is beneficial and noble." ~ Nicolas Martin ["If you think health care is expensive now, wait 'til you see how much it costs when it's free." ~ P. J. O'Rourke]
  55. When your adversaries make statements that ring true, seem logical or appear to have merit, ask them completely irrelevant non sequitur questions in an attempt to evade the issue and derail the conversation. If that doesn't work, announce with all due grandiosity that your opponents refuse to answer your questions or give cites, therefore, they cannot support their assertions. This ploy of course won't work with people who can think, but, it will bring Elitist Leftwing Liberals and the lunatic fringe out of the woodwork to jump on your bellicose, bungling bandwagon.
  56. You must always vociferously and incessantly point out that the reason any conservative's failing is always major news is that it allows liberals to engage in their very favorite taunt: "Hypocrisy!" Hypocrisy is the only sin that really inflames us Elitist Leftwing Liberals and, of course, only applies to others because Liberals can always invoke the time-honored Double Standard. Inasmuch as Elitist Leftwing Liberals have no moral principles, we can sit back, march, or otherwise create a ruckus as we criticize other people for failing to meet the standards that liberals simply renounce. It's an intriguing strategy. By openly admitting to being philanderers, draft dodgers, liars, weasels and cowards, liberals avoid ever being hypocrites. Remember, admission that morals and ethics are passe always gets you off the hook - but, do not hesitate to point out the immorality or unethical behavior of people who don't agree with Elitist Leftwing Liberals.
  57. Remember, as a cheerleader for decadence, when any despot, criminal or maniac is treated in any way differently from the way he treated others, it's your sworn duty to scream to the heavens that he isn't being treated with dignity and is being embarrassed in spite of the fact he may have raped, tortured, maimed and slaughtered others; as an Elitist Leftwing Liberal you must remain silent about the victims of despots, criminals and maniacs. The victims got what they deserved and despots, criminals and maniacs are to be honored, lionized, venerated and if they're bad enough, worshipped.
  58. As an Elitist Leftwing Liberal, you must believe that all America foreign policy must have the unanimous approval of France, Russia, Syria, Cuba, North Korea, Communist China and the United Nations.
  59. You must learn to be agile at pulling the old Elitist Leftwing Liberal Switcheroo. Naturally in normal discourse, you must incessantly and nauseatingly bash your country, slur and slander the founding fathers and American institutions like the police, FBI, CIA, etc., calling them terrorists and murderers, disparage all religions except Islam, denounce all military institutions and personnel, chide all people who have moral convictions and on and on [See articles 1-58]; but, remember, when trying to win a petty bickering match, employ the Elitist Leftwing Liberal Switcheroo - which means dropping your old mantras and bromides and immediately feigning to embrace your opponents' views momentarily while you don the mask of reverence for those you hate, but are aware that your adversaries admire. This is particularly effective when showing mock concern for American armed services personnel who are in harms' way under an administration that doesn't have secularist, Elitist Leftwing Liberal Lemming approval. If you are successful enough in public discourse and if you exhibit it with enough ferocity and frequency, you may be eligible to win a toaster from The Elitist Leftwing Liberal Liberty Lobby.
  60. As an Elitist Leftwing Liberal, you must be like a feminist bookstore in that you have no humor department, therefore display no sense of humor while making zero effort to distinguish between serious commentary and obvious humor, satire, and sarcasm. It helps clarify the profile of Elitist Leftwing Liberals.
  61. As an Elitist Leftwing Liberal, you must shout "Hypocrite" and "Hypocrisy" whenever your fantasies indicate that an adversary accepts the entirety of a political party, political administration or political philosophy. If the person purports to have any disagreements with that political party, political administration or political philosophy, maliciously call them "Hypocrites" while foaming at the mouth, gnashing your teeth, beating your breasts and tearing your hair. It's the Elitist Leftwing Liberal Catch-22 where you are going to brand them "Hypocrites" no matter what they say or do. After all, "Hypocrite" is our favorite word and the only sin we recognize - but, only in others, of course.
  62. You must always be conscious of Political Correctness. "'You're not allowed to call them dinosaurs anymore.' said Yo-less. 'It's speciesist. You have to call them pre-petroleum persons.'" ~ Terry Pratchett
  63. Remember, one of the Elitist Leftwing Liberal hallmarks is to try to instill fear and use whatever scare tactics are available. This in conjunction with doomsday prophecies, perennial pessimism and hopelessness, real or imagined, will hopefully amplify the fear in others. "Collective fear stimulates herd instinct, and tends to produce ferocity toward those who are not regarded as members of the herd." ~ Bertrand Russell
  64. Whenever someone offers documentation and/or legal proof, one effective method of obfuscation is to claim the documents, certificates, court orders or whatever were forged, fraudulent, fake and/or fudged. The same thing can be done when someone offers proof of candidates' popularity because they were elected to offices - you can merely spare the gore and claim the election was rigged and the rightful candidate was robbed. Remember Uncle Josef Stalin's Maxim: "Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything."
    Poor Uncle Joe didn't know about using the courts to circumvent legislation and elections. But, can you spell ACORN?
  65. You should always insist that the Holy Bible must never be read in schools - even by students who get free condoms (though not only can theHoly Bible be burned - such activities are encouraged by "secular progressives", i.e. assorted Marxists, Leninists, communists, nutters and fruit cakes) but, The Holy Bible is acceptable reading in penitentiaries and offered to people testifying in courts, who are asked to swear on the Holy Bible, though the Bible's"Ten Commandments" cannot be displayed, by court order, at American courthouses. Praise Marx, Lenin, the American Communist Party and its "underground" (cool word from the 60's, eh?) the A.C.L.U.
  66. You, as an Elitist Leftwing Liberal, have to believe that all of the above is part of a vast right wing conspiracy. For further information, contact former presidential candidate, former senator and current Secretary of State, Hillary Rodham Clinton.
