Monday, January 10, 2011

Some Traitors Never Know When To STFU!!!!

The Communist nuts don't fall far from the tree do they? And like a stubborn fungus, they just keep coming back, irritating the shit out of us.

Yes, our dear "Jane" couldn't resist tweeting at 5:11 pm the day of the shooting, the following message...

Yes, Jane has never been fond of Americans. You can see how heart felt her sympathy is for the people that were murdered and injured. How she sends her prayers out to the families, how she USES THIS OPPORTUNITY TO INCITE HATE. Yes, our dear little communist princess Jane is at it again.

Well Jane dear, I have some news for you sweetie, you see your boy, Jared Loughner, is one of your people! YES! Can you believe it! LOL! OMG! ROTFLMAO!

Yes! "The Communist Manifesto" is also one of HIS favorite books! Do you want to see it? Okie ya go! Here's your buddy's You Tube profile.....

Darn it Jane, don't little things like "The Truth" SUCK?????

And today, our little traitor Jane is at it again, seems that maybe old age has caught up with the little whore, oh, I mean sweetheart Jane Fonda, because Jane just can't seem to digest the fact that Loughner was NOT A CONSERVATIVE! So Jane the old hag posted on her blog today:

"Right now, though, I send kudos to Paul Krugman for his column “Climate of Hate” in the New York Times. He says that though the shooter responsible for the Arizona massacre appears to be mentally unstable, “that doesn’t mean that his act can or should be treated as an isolated event, having nothing to do with the national climate.” And later, “…the purveyors of hate have been treated with respect, even deference, by the GOP establishment.” Asking whether the massacre will make our national discourse less toxic, Krugman answers, “it’s really up to the GOP establishment. Will they accept the reality of what’s happening to America, and take a stand against eliminationist rhetoric? Or will they try to dismiss the massacre as the mere act of a deranged individual, and go on as before?”

Well, Janie dearest, good luck with your Alzheimers, I hope at some point you decide to take your medication....and while you continue to post hateful, liberal messages on your twitter account and your blog, the rest of us REAL Americans will continue to pray for the victims.

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