Monday, November 23, 2009


It seems the country has gone crazy, all in a span of several months. I never thought I would see such radical changes in my life time .

We have:
Communists in the White House
Indoctrinaton of our children
Young Americans who don't see anything wrong with Communism or Socialism

A President who:
Bows to leaders of other countries
Hangs our servicemen out to dry
Tries mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed in Civilian Court.

The health reform bill is being shoved down our throat-even though only 35% of the country approve of this bill.

And there is a new stimulus package on it's way!

We had polls, petitions, phone call, email and fax blitzes, rallies, town hall meetings and demonstrations.

Have they listened to us? NO!
Have we changed their minds? NO!
Do they really give a crap about what we think? NO!

If I sign another petition, send another fax or take another poll, I'm going to throw up!

Still more polls and petitions.....Cant you hear me? THEY DON"T CARE!

And so, the questions roll around in my head:

"What are we going to do"?
"How are we going to stop this?"

And I hear people say: "Revolt" and I wait and wonder....when?
  • How far down does our country need to sink before we do something?
  • How many rights do we need to lose before we do something?
  • How much debt our we going to leave our kids?
  • How much of GNP is the government going to control?
Like most people, I don't want to see a revolt. And I search every day for answers.

I finally feel that I have come up with a few answers. And yes, it does mean "waiting" until the 2010 elections.

We need to define IN WRITING what it means to be a "Conservative".

It's amazing when you think about it. The difference between real Conservatives and real Democrats is comparable to the time difference in an Olympic Slalom Race. Most Democrats don't realize that "Democrat" now means Socialist". Most of your Democrat family and friends would most likely not identify with the current administration's liberal socialist policies.

Would they agree or disagree with the following statements?

1. Protecting the environment is a primary social responsibility we have, regardless of how it affects businesses.
2. Current immigration policies are too strong.
3. Gay marriage should be the law of the land.
4. Public education is wonderful and needs more funding.
5. If you smoke should be protected.
6. Affirmative action is still needed in our culture.
7. Carrying a gun is something that should be outlawed.
8. Some people have less luck than others.
9. Social Security will solve the needs of retirees.
10. Taxes should be increased and the rich should pay more since they can afford it.
11. It's not important for our country to reduce the deficit and national debt so we can help the poor.
12. The Fed should not be concerned with controlling inflation or unemployment
13. The only social responsibility of a company should be to pay the highest wages and benefits possible.
14. Everyone has a right to health care, even if they can't afford it.
15. All authority, by its nature, should be questioned.
16. Abortion should be protected forever.
17. Military action that defies international law is never justified.
18. The war in Iraq is unjustified and is, in fact, illegal.
19. The problem with the US justice system is that it doesn’t have enough rehabilitation.
20. The death penalty should be abolished.

How many of your friends and family WANT a larger government? How many of them WANT to lose their freedom? How many don't want protection against terrorism?

Please print out the 20 statements listed above. Talk about them with your family and friends. Let them know what the government is doing to ruin our country. And above all make them understand that today's "Democrat" is not what they think it is. And a vote for a "Democrat" in 2010 and 2012 spells huge trouble for the future of our country.

The government has done a great job in dividing our country. They have separated us by Race, Religion, Economic Status, Region ("rednecks"), etc.

If we want to save our country we need to bring our citizens back together again.

Never has Abraham Lincoln's words rang truer:

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