Sunday, October 4, 2009

So Obama Wants To Take Over Health Care?

Well, let's take a look at how well he did with low income housing in Chicago...I mean since Obama's all about "sharing the wealth" "community organizing" and all that.

I mean, Obama said it himself on April 1, 2008: “My record speaks for itself. While Hillary Clinton was in the White House, I was a community organizer in the streets of Chicago, working to help people create neighborhood places to hang-out and have fun. It will take that kind of bottom-up approach to give the American people the great places they desire and deserve.”

This scares me..let's face it, Obama's not that keen on America to begin with, and when he says he's going to give us what we "deserve", it makes me nervous.

So let's see if Obama gave the poor people of Chicago "what they deserve".

During the brutal winter of 1997, tenants shivered without heat in a government-subsidized apartment building on Chicago's South Side...

During January and early February, temperatures routinely dipped to around ten degrees below zero.

But Tony Rezko and his partner, Daniel Mahru, owners of The Rezmar Corporation, a real estate development couldn't rustle up enough money to get the building's heat turned back on.

"No one should have to live like this, and no one did anything about it," said Cynthia Ashley, who has lived at Grove Parc since 1994.

The tenants there had no heat from Dec. 27, 1996, until at least Feb. 3, 1997, when the city of Chicago sued. It was during this exact period that the district's new state senator -- Barack Obama -- received a $1,000 donation from Rezmar. The date was Jan. 14, 1997.

Eleven of Rezko's buildings were in Obama's district (and all were in close proximity to the district). The results of Rezko's housing experiment?

• Seventeen buildings -- many beset with code violations, including a lack of heat -- ended up in foreclosure.
• Six buildings are currently boarded up.
• Hundreds of the apartments are vacant, in need of major repairs.
• Taxpayers have been stuck with millions in unpaid loans.
• At least a dozen times, the city of Chicago sued Rezmar for failure to heat buildings.

Did State Senator Obama ever complain to anyone about the conditions of Rezmar's buildings? There is apparently no documented evidence that Obama stood up for his constituents. As a matter of fact the opposite seems true:

From the June 13 Sun-Times article, headlined "Obama's letters for Rezko":

As a state senator, Barack Obama wrote letters to city and state officials supporting his political patron Tony Rezko's successful bid to get more than $14 million from taxpayers to build apartments for senior citizens.

The deal included $855,000 in development fees for Rezko and his partner, Allison S. Davis, Obama's former boss, according to records from the project, which was four blocks outside Obama's state Senate district.

Obama's campaign spokesperson, in a written response to Globe questions, affirmed the candidate's support of Public-private partnerships as an alternative to public housing, saying that Obama has "consistently fought to make livable, affordable housing in mixed-income neighborhoods available to all." (REALLY?)

Valerie Jarrett, defending Obama's position that public-private partnerships are superior to public housing. said "Government is just not as good at owning and managing as the private sector because the incentives are not there. (And the Government is going to run our health care?)

Fast Forward: February 9, 2008

“Homeland security arrests us ‘cause we are trying to stay in our homes. We told them, ‘Housing is a human right and we wasn’t goin’ without a fight!’” said Grove Parc tenant and Southside Together Organizing for Power (STOP) organizer Lonnie Richardson amidst cheers of tenants and supporters gathered on a cold November day outside the offices of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) in downtown Chicago.

These Tenants reside at the Grove Parc Plaza Apartments, which sits in the shadows of the University of Chicago and the proposed site for the 2016 Olympic Stadium...(Hmmm...weird coincidence?)

So, based on this story, I have a question...

You can't manage a "community organizing" in Chicago, how in the hell are you going to run our health care system?

I guess we forgot to ask what the definition of "community organizing" is. It seems that Obama did one heck of a job "organizing" a community of thugs, thieves and criminals, while the people he promised to help were literally left out in the cold.

This story is only the tip of the iceberg of the Community of Thugocracy, that exists in Chicago. Rezko is also connected to Rezko Concessions Inc. In 2006, Rezko was charged by federal prosecutors claiming he leveraged his influence with state leaders to extort illegal payments and a campaign contribution from investment firms seeking to do business with Illinois. In June, 2008 he was found guilty on 16 of 24 counts against him.
The Rezmar Corporation is a career patron of Lieutenant Governor Pat Quinn (D).

From 1993 through December 31, 2006, Rezmar Corporation gave $78,000 to Illinois statewide offices. 93% of these funds were contributed to Democrats.

If Obamacare passes, I hope you all have warm jackets, rat traps and plenty of antibiotics, you're going to need them...

1 comment:

  1. It just goes to show the illiteracy in America and the thugs that are elected now days by this dumbing down!
