Monday, February 5, 2018

Carter Page BOMBSHELL! Page an FBI Informant!

In direct contrast to what the MSM, FBI and Deep State want us sheep to believe, here is the REAL story on Carter Page.  

Carter Page was an FBI Informant in 2013!  How many times did they tell us "The FBI originally issued a FISA Warrant in 2013 to surveil Carter Page because he was working with the Russians"?

Well, they lied to you.  Period, end of story.  Here is the official story.  THE TRUE STORY!  

 "The FBI obtained the recordings after Sporyshev attempted to recruit an FBI undercover employee (“UCE-1”), who was posing as an analyst from a New York-based energy company.  In response to requests from Sporyshev, UCE-1 provided Sporyshev with binders containing purported industry analysis written by UCE-1 and supporting documentation relating to UCE-1’s reports, as well as covertly placed recording devices.  Sporyshev then took the binders to, among other places, the Residentura."

That "analyst" was Carter Page.  He was not the "Energy Industry Executive" (as the media told us) which the FBI had issued a FISA request on. HE WAS AN UNDERCOVER FBI INFORMANT!

So now let's ask...

If the FISA warrant wasn't issued on Carter Page (since he was an FBI undercover informant...then WHO was it issued on?  And HOW? 

Enough of the "memos"!  Enough of their BULLSHIT!  We want to see the FISA REQUEST....And NOTHING LESS.